Events @ the Connected_Politics Lab
Please join our mailing list (opens in a new window)here to receive bi-weekly invitations to all events. All events take place at UCD and are also live-streamed on Zoom.
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Robin Rauner (University College Dublin)
- Wednesday, January 22, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
Public opinion can be estimated and influenced via social media platforms like X
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Przemyslaw Grabowicz (University College Dublin)
- Wednesday, February 19, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
Who Believes and Who Shares Fake News: Experimental Misinformation Research with LLM-based Agents
- Speaker: Linette Lim (University College Dublin)
- Wednesday, March 5, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
User suspension and its consequences for online behavior
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Gloria Gennaro (University College London)
- Wednesday, March 26, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Kosuke Imai (Harvard University)
- Tuesday, April 1, 13:00–14:00 (Irish time)
The social group appeal of the Greens and the PRRP in a realigned party competitive space
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Hauke Licht (University of Innsbruck)
- Wednesday, April 9, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
From Twitter to Mastodon: Platform migration as political mobilization
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Saif Shahin (Tilburg University)
- Wednesday, October 2, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
Political DEBATE: Efficient Zero-shot and Few-shot Classifiers for Political Text
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Michael Burnham (Princeton University)
- Wednesday, October 9, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Lauren Leek (European University Institute)
- Wednesday, October 30, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Nicolai Berk (ETH Zürich)
- Wednesday, November 6, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Rebecca Kittel (Free University Berlin)
- Wednesday, November 13, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
More than one agent? Authority expansion and delegation dynamics in the EU
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Anastasia Ershova (Queen’s University Belfast)
- Wednesday, November 27, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
Factionalism and the Red Guards under Mao's China: Ideal Point Estimation Using Text Data
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)David Yen-Chieh Liao (University College Dublin)
- Wednesday, January 24, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Felicia Löcherbach (University of Amsterdam)
- Wednesday, February 7, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
Digital Politics and Foreign Interventions: A Natural Language Processing Approach
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Ashrakat Elshehawy (Stanford University)
- Wednesday, February 21, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
The Dissent Score: Using Events Data to Measure Dissent
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Carlisle Rainey (Florida State University)
- Wednesday, March 6, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
- Speakers: (opens in a new window)Zachary Greene (University of Strathclyde)
(opens in a new window)Maarja Lühiste (Newcastle University)
(opens in a new window)Christine Sylvester (University of Strathclyde) - Wednesday, March 27, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
Group Appeals Across Time and Space: An Automated Measure of Parties’ Appeals to Social Groups
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Alona Dolinsky (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Wednesday, April 10, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
- Instructor: (opens in a new window)Joshua Alley (University College Dublin)
- Wednesday, February 14, 14:00 (Irish time)
- Instructor: Mafalda Zúquete (University College Dublin)
- Wednesday, February 28, 14:00 (Irish time)
Introduction to Bayesian Analysis
- Instructor: (opens in a new window)Joshua Alley (University College Dublin)
- Wednesday, April 17, 14:00 (Irish time)
Preferential Abstention in Conjoint Experiments
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Jeffrey Ziegler (Trinity College Dublin)
- Wednesday, October 11, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
Selective Engagement in the Online Public Discourse and Implications for Toxicity Regulation
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Lisa Oswald (Hertie School Berlin)
- Wednesday, October 25, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
Dances, Duets, and Debates: Analysing elite political communication on TikTok
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Natalia Umansky (University of Zurich)
- Wednesday, November 8, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
MPs and the rural-urban debate: How the national legislature handles rural preferences
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Alberto de León (University College Dublin)
- Wednesday, November 22, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
Regional Labor Markets, Residential Mobility, and Anti-Immigration Attitudes
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Denis Cohen (Mannheim Centre for European Social Research)
- Wednesday, November 29, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
Reproducible Research with Git and GitHub
- Instructor: (opens in a new window)Stefan Müller (University College Dublin)
- 15 November, 14:00 (Irish time)
- Instructor: (opens in a new window)Sarah King (University College Dublin)
- 30 November, 15:00 (Irish time)
Perceptions of Changing Status Hierarchies in Open-Ended Survey Responses
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Magdalena Breyer (University of Zurich)
- Wednesday, February 8, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
How Exile Shapes Online Opposition: Evidence from Venezuela
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Alexandra Siegel (University of Colorado Boulder)
- Wednesday, February 22, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
Personalization and Twitter: How do content recommendations respond to ideological behavior?
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Benjamin Guinaudeau (University of Konstanz)
- Wednesday, March 8, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Christian Arnold (Cardiff University)
- Wednesday, March 29, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)James Cross (University College Dublin)
- Wednesday, April 12, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
Connected_Politics Student Presentations
- Wednesday, May 3, 14:00–14:45 (Irish time)
- Instructor: (opens in a new window)Joshua Alley (University College Dublin)
- February 2, 13:00 (SPIRe Boardroom, Newman Building
An Introduction to Webscraping Using R
- Instructor: (opens in a new window)Sarah King (University College Dublin)
- March 23, 13:00-15:00
Computational Text Analysis Workshop
- Instructor: Stefan Müller (University College Dublin)
- Part 1: 10th November 14:00-16:00
- Part 2: 17th November 14:00-16:00
Selling and Buying Visual Media Frames
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Olga Gasparyan (Hertie School)
- Wednesday, September 21, 14:00–14:45
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Robert Kubinec (New York University Abu Dhabi)
- Wednesday, October 5, 14:00–14:45
Beyond Prediction: Identifying Latent Treatments in Images
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Michelle Torres (Rice University)
- Wednesday, October 19, 14:00–14:45
How Exile Shapes Online Opposition: Evidence from Venezuela
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Alexandra Siegel (University of Colorado Boulder)
- Wednesday, November 2, 14:00–14:45
Gender Perspectives and Issue Attention in the Italian Digital Arena
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Silvia Decadri (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- Wednesday, November 16, 14:00–14:45
How the Rhetoric of Women in the Alt-Right Broadens the Movement’s Appeal
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Richard Nielsen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Wednesday, November 30, 14:00–14:45
Building the Bridge: Topic Modeling for Comparative Research
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Fabienne Lind (University of Vienna)
- Wednesday, January 19, 14:00–14:45
When Reelection Increases Legislative Cohesion: Evidence from Clientelistic Parties in Mexico
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Lucia Motolinia (Washington University in St. Louis)
- Wednesday, February 2, 14:00–14:45
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Markus Kollberg (University College London)
- Wednesday, February 16, 14:00–14:45
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Toni Rodon (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
- Wednesday, March 2, 14:00–14:45
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Andreu Casas (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
- Wednesday, March 23, 14:00–14:45
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Sophia Hunger (WZB Berlin Social Science Center)
- Wednesday, April 6, 14:00–14:45
Multilingual Automated Text Analysis for Comparative Social Science Research
- Instructor: (opens in a new window)Fabienne Lind (University of Vienna)
- Wednesday, 30 March, 14:00–16:00
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Nora Webb Williams (University of Illinois)
- Wednesday, September 22, 14:00–15:00
What do mass media in Russia reveal about the regime’s survival strategy?
- Speaker: (opens in a new window)Lana Bilalova (London School of Economics and Political Science)
- Wednesday, October 6, 14:00–15:00