Royal College of Physicians of Ireland to Work with TestReach to Transform Management of its Exams
TestReach providers of innovative technology that allows any exam to be created and run online, today announced that the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI) is now working with the company to transform the management of its examinations.
The RCPI tests up to 3,000 candidates and runs over 70 examinations annually. RCPI is the largest postgraduate training body in Ireland and is dedicated to improving the practice of general medicine and related medical specialities. The College was established in 1654 and offers training programmes, examinations, diplomas and educational courses.
Working with TestReach is part of a new RCPI process to transform the exam management system at the College. All question and exam paper development will now take place on the TestReach solution.
TestReach’s technology enables organisations to create, mark and deliver exams online removing the need for paper, which is having a transformative impact on the world of examinations and assessment.
TestReach is headquartered at NexusUCD, the Industry Partnership Centre at University College Dublin.
“This is a very important development for RCPI because of the high volume of examinations we run, over 70 different examinations per year, which means managing an extensive bank of many thousands of questions. Working with TestReach will give the College greater security and flexibility in the management of questions and generation of exam papers. This will facilitate more effective creation of exams which will impact up to 3,000 candidates annually,” said Alan O’Mahony, Project Manager, RCPI.
“TestReach enables us to offer an innovative and user-friendly way to manage our exam development, which helps maintain and strengthen the integrity of the entire exam process,” he added.
“We are very much looking forward to working with RCPI to manage their examination development online,” said Sheena Bailey, CEO, TestReach. “Many medical colleges are looking for modern and secure ways to enhance their examination processes, and I’m pleased that the RCPI recognised the innovative nature of our solution and the expertise and partnership that we deliver at TestReach,” she added.
30 April 2019
For further information contact Micéal Whelan, Communications Manager, UCD Research and Innovation, e: miceal.whelan@ucd.ie, t: +353 1 716 3712 or Siobhan Ogilvy, Marketing Director, TestReach, e: sogilvy@testreach.com.
Editors Notes
The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland is a postgraduate medical training college dedicated to ensuring that doctors have the skills to provide patients with the best possible care. The College is committed to helping doctors enhance their skills, competencies and professionalism throughout their working lives. Offering training programmes, examinations, diplomas and educational courses, the College equips doctors with the skills and knowledge they need to care for patients and run safe and efficient healthcare systems.
The College incorporates six of the 13 postgraduate specialist training bodies in Ireland, including the Irish Committee on Higher Medical Training, the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, the Faculty of Pathology, the Faculty of Paediatrics, the Faculty of Public Health Medicine and the Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
The RCPI has a global network of 10,000 Fellows, Members and Trainees who work across 29 medical specialities in 84 countries, and has four international academies in India, Oman, China and UAE. www.rcpi.ie
TestReach is a cloud-based assessment application that enables end-to-end management of exam authoring, question management, exam delivery, marking, moderation and reporting. TestReach covers a wide range of question types and delivery options, including live remote invigilation for formal exams, where the candidate is monitored in real-time over the web by trained supervisors using video, audio and remote screen share technology.
With TestReach, examining bodies can create engaging assessments using the advanced test authoring tool and then roll them out securely, anywhere in the world, at any time, for any number of candidates, while maintaining the full integrity of the test. www.testreach.com
NexusUCD, the Industry Partnership Centre, is located in Belfield Office Park, Clonskeagh, adjoining the main University College Dublin campus.
NexusUCD offers high-quality modern office space, with short, medium or long term occupancy arrangements, and associated services to established innovation-led companies, such as TestReach, who are collaborating, or wish to collaborate, with UCD’s world-class research base. www.ucd.ie/innovation/industry-and-business/nexusucd/