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Dr Yunpeng Zhang on seeing China from Europe

Wednesday, 22 May, 2024

Dr Yunpeng Zhang with Professor Chris Kesteloot (Emeritus Professor of Geography, KU Leuven) and Professor Ben Derudder (Professor of Urban Studies, KU Leuven) co-edited a journal issue on the roles of geographies in knowledge produced about China.

In this special issue - says Dr Zhang - we discussed the common challenges researchers face when studying China-related topics in Belgium and Europe. These challenges include the global regime of mobility control, different research cultures in China and Belgium, power asymmetries in the knowledge landscape, the politics of language and translation, and an increasingly hostile environment for researchers coming from China. To address Europe's knowledge deficit on China, we argue for a multi-regional approach to studying China and for truly learning with and from China.

The issue can be found (opens in a new window)here

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