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DN700 Single Major In-Programme Transfers

BSc Social Sciences Single Major Internal Transfer for Stage 3

Applies to 2024-25 Stage 2 Students

Transferring into Stage 3 Single Major in Archaeology, Philosophy, Economics or Politics.

Who is eligible to apply for a Single Major?

You are eligible to apply if you are a Stage 2 student in BHSOC010 (CAO code DN700) already studying one of these four subjects (as a Joint Major, Major with Humanities Minor, Major with Language Minor, or as a thematic degree). 

Which Subjects are available in Single Major?

  • Archaeology
  • Economics
  • Philosophy
  • Politics and International Relations

How and when do I apply?

The application window will open in April and close 31 May 2025.

Different subjects have different conditions for allowing the transfer (see below). Each subject has a designated contact for applications.

Why specialise to a single major?

By the end of Stage 2, you will have established your initial knowledge base of the two or three subjects that you have been studying, and ready to build on this through Stages 3 and 4. Intensive study of a single subject in Stages 3 and 4 would allow you to develop a deep and broad command, and would be excellent preparation if you are already considering a Masters course in that subject. A Single Major requires 50 credits of subject modules in Stage 3 and another 50 credits in Stage 4, together with 10 credits of electives in each year. 

What does not change in your degree:

  • Total credits required for your degree: 240 ECTS, meaning 60 ECTS per stage.
  • The modules and grades that you achieved in Stages 1 and 2 will remain on your transcript, and your Stage 2 results will still  contribute to your final GPA.
  • The Social Sciences programme team remains the same.
  • You will still have opportunities to study abroad or undertake a 30 ECTS internship in Stage 3 (although new conditions may apply)
If you are interested in applying for transfer to single major

Changing to a single major is an important decision and is not reversible, so please consider this carefully. Go through the Stage 3 and 4 modules in your target subject, and discuss it with the relevant contact person listed in the subject sections below.

Further information, including how to apply, can be found under each individual subject below.

Subject conditions for Archaeology Single Major

You must be a current student on BHSOC010 studying Archaeology through a Joint Major, Major/Minor or Archaeology, Geography & History thematic.

  • You must have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.08 in Stage 2.
  • You must be eligible to progress to Stage 3 in your degree (i.e. have passed all Stage 1 credits and at least 50 credits in Stage 2).
  • Single Major students will complete the following in Stage 4:
  • A Research Proposal (5 credits)
  • A Research Project (15 Credits)
  • ARCH30790 Communicating Archaeology 
  • For students transferring from the Archaeology, Geography and History programme, the above conditions apply, but in addition:
  • If you have only taken THREE Level 1 Archaeology modules in Stage 1, then you need to take a fourth as their elective in Stage 3. This may impact international exchange or internship opportunities. Please discuss this with the School of Archaeology.

If you want to make an application to study Archaeology as a Single Major you should:

Email Dr Rob Sands (opens in a new window)robert.sands@ucd.ie and copy (opens in a new window)student.archaeology@ucd.ie with the following information:

Your *student name, *student number, *your current subjects, *confirmation that you wish to apply for Archaeology Single Major.

Application Conditions for Economics Single Major

  • You must be currently studying Economics through a joint major, major/minor, Philosophy, Politics & Economics thematic or Economics, Mathematics & Statistics thematic in BHSOC010 (CAO code DN700)
  • You must be eligible to progress to Stage 3 in your degree (i.e. have passed all Stage 1 credits and at least 50 credits in Stage 2).
  • By the end of Stage 2, you must have achieved an average GPA of at least 3.4 in the following modules:
    • ECON20010
    • ECON20020
    • ECON20040 (or STAT10060 for EMS students), at least a B- grade
  • As a Single Major student, you will then be required to enrol in the following modules in either Stage 3 or Stage 4: 
    • ECON30130, ECON30290, ECON30120, either ECON30530 or ECON30540, andEconomics Research Project (Stage 4 only)
    • MATH20330 or MST20050 or MST20070, if not already taken and passed
  • If you transfer you will remain registered to DN700 (4 year degree) and still have the option to do an internship or go study abroad if you are eligible, and will receive a BSc in Social Science (Economics Single Major) when you complete your degree.  You will not join the DN710 (3 year degree).  
  • Further information is available through the School of Economics website

If you want to make an application to study Economics as a Single Major you should appliy via the following google form:

(opens in a new window)Application form for Single Major in Economics

Subject Conditions for Philosophy 

  • Students must be currently studying Philosophy through joint major, major/minor or PPE in BHSOC010 (CAO code DN700).
  • You must have achieved a minimum GPA of 3.08 in Stage 2 and be eligible to progress to Stage 3 in your degree (i.e. have passed all Stage 1 credits and at least 50 credits in Stage 2).  
  • NB transferring into Single Major Philosophy will result in a change of programme code and a different exit title of “BA in Philosophy”.  This is the internationally recognised degree title of a single major in Philosophy.
  • Programme structure of BA Philosophy is (opens in a new window)available here.
  • To discuss the Philosophy Single Major please email Katherine O'Donnell (opens in a new window)katherine.odonnell@ucd.ie

Please contact the School directly to apply for Philosophy Single Major (opens in a new window)philosophy@ucd.ie

Conditions for Politics & International Relations Single Major

  • Students currently studying Politics a Joint Major, Major/Minor or the PPE thematic degree in BHSOC0101 (CAO code DN700) are welcome to transfer into Single Major, without any minimum GPA condition. 
  • You must be eligible to progress to Stage 3 in your degree (i.e. have passed all Stage 1 credits and at least 50 credits in Stage 2).
  • However, there are four Level 1 core modules (INRL10020POL10170POL10160POL10180) and four Level 2 core modules (INRL20040POL20010POL20020POL20050). Students are welcome to transfer into the Single Major in Politics and IR while missing some of these core modules, but they must ensure that all of these core modules are complete by the end of Stage 4, e.g. by using up their elective places. This may impact your opportunities to study abroad or go on an internship, so please discuss this in advance with the School of Politics & International Relations if you have queries.

If you want to make an application to study Politics & International Relations as a Single Major you should apply via the following google form:

(opens in a new window)Application form for Single Major in Politics & International Relations

For further information please see here.

UCD College of Social Sciences and Law

UCD College of Social Sciences and Law University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777