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This page is designed to provide you with assistance in understanding what remediation opportunities are available to you if you have failed a module. This information should be read in conjunction with UCD’s (opens in a new window)Academic Regulations.

You can find what the remediation option is for your module by looking at the 'What happens if I fail?' section of the module description. Use the Course Search(opens in a new window) to find the information for your module.

The university has four types of possible remediation types. These are:

  • In-Module Repeat of an Assessment Component
  • In Module Resit
  • Resit Assessment
  • Repeat the module

These are described in more detail below.

If you are feeling distressed about your results, there are university supports available to help provide you with support and guidance with this. 

Information on how to register for a resit/repeat can be located on the Registration information web page

Remediation Explained

You are deemed to have passed/completed a module when:

  • You have been academically assessed in all of the assessed components relating to the module.
  • Your module grade has been confirmed by your Programme Examination Board (all grades are deemed provisional until they are formally ratified by the university).
  • You have met all the learning outcomes associated with your module, (or a combination of modules by passing all must pass components) and have been awarded a minimum D-, P or PR module grade.

If you have received a  failing grade  for your module, that is, you have been awarded a grade of FM, NM, or ABS, you may make a further attempt to pass the module. This is called a module remediation attempt. 

Alternatively, instead of attempting the module again, you can also select another module that is compatible with fulfilling the programme outcomes. This is called module substitution. Before you avail of this, contact your  College Office  for further guidance on this to ensure you meet the requirements of your programme. 

You can find what the remediation option is for your module by looking at the 'What happens if I fail?' section of the module description. Use the  (opens in a new window)Course Search  to find the information for your module.

The university has four types of possible remediation types. These are:

  1. In-Module Repeat of an Assessment Component
  2. In Module Resit
  3. Resit Assessment
  4. Repeat the module

1. In-Module Repeat of an Assessment Component:
If you receive a provisional failing grade for an assessment component, and if an in-module repeat of an assessment component is provided for as a remediation option in the module descriptor for the module you are taking, you may avail of a further attempt at passing the component prior to the ratification of the module grade at the Programme Examination Board. Your module coordinator will provide you with further information on this. 

As per the university’s Academic Regulations, in instances of in-module repeats of assessment components, a passing grade awarded for submitted work shall be reduced by your Module Coordinator in accordance with the following scale:

Work graded as:

Grade awarded:

























If you receive a failing grade for the work you have submitted, the original failing grade will be retained. 

No additional fees are charged for this remediation type. 

2. In-Module Resit:
If you receive a provisional failing grade for your module, and if an in-module resit is provided for as a remediation option in the module descriptor for the module you are taking, you may avail of a further attempt at passing the module prior to the ratification of the module grade at the Programme Examination Board. Your module coordinator will provide you with further information on this. 

If you pass an in-module resit, it will be graded as follows:

Module Grade

Grade Point




Passing Module Grade for Resit Attempt


If you receive a failing grade for an in-module resit, the original failing grade will be retained. 

If you have availed of an in-module resit, no further resit opportunities will be available to you. You will be required to repeat or substitute the module. 

No additional fees are charged for this remediation type. 

3. Resit Assessment:
A resit assessment offers you a second and separate opportunity to demonstrate that you have satisfactorily achieved the major learning outcomes associated with a module. Reattendance is not required. 

The resit is a simple pass-fail instrument, and does not have to be identical to the assessment associated with the original assessment. It may be significantly different. The original assessed components do not need to be reproduced or repeated in full. It may take the form of a single examination and/or may require the submission of coursework or other assessment tasks at specified times during the trimester. Your module coordinator will provide you with further information on this assessment. 

There will be only resit assessment for each module. The original assessment and the resit assessment are entirely separate, and grades for components of the original assessment will not carry forward to the resit assessment. However, the resit assessment may take account of learning outcomes you may have already achieved.

The following grade scale is used for resit attempts at a module:

Module Grade

Grade Point




Passing Module Grade for Resit Attempt



Fail for Resit Attempt



No grade - work submitted did not merit a grade for Remediation Attempt



No work was submitted by the student or the student was absent from assessment for Remediation Attempt

If you fail a resit attempt, you will be required to repeat the module when it is next offered. 

There are additional fees associated with a resit, see the  Fees web page  for further information. 

4. Repeat the module:
A repeat is defined as an opportunity for a second attempt at the module through reattendance when it is next offered. 

You will be required to complete all the module components again, unless the module permits the grades of components you have passed to be carried forward into subsequent repeat attempts at the module. Further information on whether this is a possibility for the module you are taking will be contained in the module descriptor, under the heading - How will I be assessed?

The following grade scale is used for repeat attempts at a module:

Module Grade:

Grade Point:



































If you fail a repeat of a module, you will be able to avail of the remediation opportunity for the module. 
To find out what the remediation opportunity for the module is, use the(opens in a new window)Course Search to find it and look at the 'What happens if I fail?' section of the module description. 

There are additional fees associated with repeating a module, see the  Fees web page for further information. 

To view the remediation options offered on a module use the (opens in a new window)Course Search  to find it and look at the 'What happens if I fail?' section of the module description and for further information contact the School to which the module is attached.

Fail Module Descriptor

Q: If I have failed a module, do I have to repeat the same module or can I change it?
A: Not necessarily, but you will be required to fulfill your programme requirements, otherwise you may be at risk of not meeting the requirements to graduate. Before you make any decisions, contact your College Office for further guidance on this. There are fee implications for substituting to a new module.

Q: How much does remediation cost?
A: Charges in relation to remediation can vary, for the most up-to-date information, please consult the  Fees web page. In-module repeats and in-module resits carry no extra fees. 

Q: What is the impact remediation will have on my Grade/GPA?
A: Remediating a module may lead to you passing it, which will allow you to progress in your programme. The remediation type will have different impacts on your GPA. See information contained under - What are the different types of remediation?

Q: Can I appeal a fail grade?
A: Further information on the Appeals Process is outlined on the  Appeals Website. Grades can not be appealed before they are formally ratified by your Programme Examination Board. 

Q: How do I register for resit/repeat?
A: Information on how to register for a resit/repeat can be located on the  Registration information web page

Contact the Student Desk

Ground Floor, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)
