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Listed below is a selection of interesting module choices that have elective places available.

Please click on the module titles to find out more. Always read the information in ‘Am I eligible to take this module?’ before you make your decision.

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Updated Tuesday 3 September 2024

Module Code Module Title
ACM10090 (opens in a new window)Climate Change:Causes & Cnsqn
AMST30060 (opens in a new window)Ireland & the US
AMST30330 (opens in a new window)United States Foreign Policy
AMST30350 (opens in a new window)Journalism & Intl Affairs
AMST30380 (opens in a new window)News Media Today
BIOL10070 (opens in a new window)Biology for the Modern World
BSEN20190 (opens in a new window)Intro to Carbon and Energy FP
CPSC30050 (opens in a new window)Organic Agriculture
DSCY10040 (opens in a new window)Childhood
DSCY10050 (opens in a new window)War: Ancient and modern
DSCY10060 (opens in a new window)Energy Climate Change & Policy
DSCY10070 (opens in a new window)Materials in Society
DSCY10080 (opens in a new window)Gateways to Japan
DSCY10100 (opens in a new window)Storytelling
DSCY10110 (opens in a new window)Narrative, Care & Medicine
DSCY10120 (opens in a new window)Contagion & Control
DSCY10150 (opens in a new window)Hope
DSCY10160 (opens in a new window)Refugee Displacement
DSCY10180 (opens in a new window)Intercultural Encounters
DSCY10190 (opens in a new window)How Sustainable is my Food?
ECON10040 (opens in a new window)Economics and Sustainability
ECON10770 (opens in a new window)Introduction to Economics
EDUC10170 (opens in a new window)Human Learning
ENG10020 (opens in a new window)Children's Literature
ENVB40380 (opens in a new window)Managing Sc. & Policy O/L
FDSC10010 (opens in a new window)Food Diet and Health
FDSC20040 (opens in a new window)Sensory Analysis
FDSC20110 (opens in a new window)Food Diet and Health II
FDSC40710 (opens in a new window)Bioinformatics in Food Safety
GEOG10080 (opens in a new window)Dynamic Earth
GEOG10100 (opens in a new window)People, Places, Regions
GEOG20060 (opens in a new window)Weather,Climate&Climate Change
GEOL10040 (opens in a new window)Earth, Environment and Society
GEOL10050 (opens in a new window)Earth and Humanity
GEOL10060 (opens in a new window)Introduction to Earth Sciences
GEOL20110 (opens in a new window)Global Environmental Change
GEOL20180 (opens in a new window)Geoscience for Sustainability
GEOL20240 (opens in a new window)Medical Geology
GER10010 (opens in a new window)German Language I a
HACT10010 (opens in a new window)Intro to Humanitarian Action
HIS20670 (opens in a new window)France since the Revolution
HNUT30010 (opens in a new window)Food Diet and Health III
IA20010 (opens in a new window)Creativity & Innovation
IA20020 (opens in a new window)Essentials of Entrepreneurship
IA20060 (opens in a new window)Social Entrepreneurship
IA20080 (opens in a new window)Design Thinking
IA20090 (opens in a new window)Design Your Life
IA20100 (opens in a new window)Innovation for Sustainability
IA20130 (opens in a new window)Designing the Future
IA20160 (opens in a new window)Creativity & Innovation (OL)
IA20190 (opens in a new window)Design Thinking (OL)
IA20210 (opens in a new window)Innovation Sustainability (OL)
ITAL10110 (opens in a new window)Italy
LANG10010 (opens in a new window)Italian Gen Purp 1
LANG10040 (opens in a new window)Eng Acad Purp 5
LANG10070 (opens in a new window)Italian Gen Purp 2
LANG10100 (opens in a new window)German Gen Purp 1
LANG10170 (opens in a new window)French Gen Purp 1
LANG10210 (opens in a new window)Japanese L & C 1
LANG10230 (opens in a new window)Spanish Gen Purp 1
LANG10260 (opens in a new window)Spanish Gen Purp 2
LANG10320 (opens in a new window)English Gen Purp 5
LANG10510 (opens in a new window)English Acad Purp 4
LANG10530 (opens in a new window)English Acad Writing 5
LANG20150 (opens in a new window)English Gen Purp 6
LANG20440 (opens in a new window)French for General Purposes 4
MUS10220 (opens in a new window)Popular Music
MUS10240 (opens in a new window)Music in Ireland
MUS20320 (opens in a new window)Philharmonic Choir Autumn 24
MUS20330 (opens in a new window)Philharmonic Choir Spring 25
MUS20530 (opens in a new window)Symphony Orchestra Autumn 24
MUS20540 (opens in a new window)Symphony Orchestra Spring 25
MUS20880 (opens in a new window)Techniques of Songwriting
NMHS32480 (opens in a new window)Introduct to Health Systems
PERS10120 (opens in a new window)Sci of Human Perf I
PERS10130 (opens in a new window)Intro to Sports Injuries
PHIL10020 (opens in a new window)Intro to Probs of Philosophy
PHIL10030 (opens in a new window)Intro to Modern Philosophy
PHIL10040 (opens in a new window)Introduction to Ethics
PHIL10100 (opens in a new window)Existentialism and Humanism
PHIL10160 (opens in a new window)Critical Thinking
PHIL20240 (opens in a new window)Applied Ethics
PHIL20440 (opens in a new window)Feminism & Gender Justice
PHPS10010 (opens in a new window)Student Health & Wellbeing
PHPS40600 (opens in a new window)Antimicrobial resistant zoonot
PHPS40610 (opens in a new window)Risk Analysis in Food Safety
PHTY30440 (opens in a new window)DigitalTransformationinHealth
PHYC10050 (opens in a new window)Astronomy & Space Science
PHYC10200 (opens in a new window)Conceptual Physics
PORT10090 (opens in a new window)Film and Fiction
PSY20200 (opens in a new window)Psychology for Everyday Life
RDEV30380 (opens in a new window)Knowledge Tfr for Farm Innovat
SCI10040 (opens in a new window)Prepare for Your Future Career
SSJ10070 (opens in a new window)Exploring Gender
SSJ20110 (opens in a new window)Gender, Power & Politics
SSJ20150 (opens in a new window)Political economy & SJ
SSJ20160 (opens in a new window)Race & Racism
STAT40800 (opens in a new window)Data Prog with Python (online)
VET20180 (opens in a new window)Introduction to one health

Contact the Student Desk

Ground Floor, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)
