What is this Structured Elective about?
All four modules on this structured elective encourage students to engage with different cultures with empathy, taking into account multiple perspectives in their analyses.
Why should I take this Structured Elective?
All four modules encourage students to engage with different cultures with empathy, taking into account multiple perspectives in their analyses. It will add a non-Eurocentric focus to the existing module offerings of the School of Languages, Culture and Linguistics. It will combine social scientific with historical and humanistic methodological approaches.
How would this Structured Elective benefit me?
This structured elective aims to deepen students' understanding of China and its place in the world, particularly its relationship with Europe.
How do I take the modules in this Structured Elective?
Students who will complete at least 15 ECTS credits of specified modules will qualify for a Structured Elective. The start date of this is September 2017/18.
Contact the Student Desk
Ground Floor, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)www.ucd.ie/askus