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Prospective Postgraduate Students


You will find a listing of annually awarded scholarships, prizes and awards for Graduate students under each College below.

Details of graduate scholarships are also published on the Graduate Studies website, and depending on your area of study may also be listed on your School website. Details of graduate business scholarships can be found on the (opens in a new window)Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School website

College Awards and Scholarships

University Awards

UCD is home to some exceptionally talented students who are pursuing an academic degree while striving for excellence in their artistic discipline. Read more about our scholarships to support musical, vocal and acting talent through the schemes listed below.

Ad Astra Performing Arts Scholars

The Ad Astra Academy is an initiative designed to recognise and nurture exceptional students in academia, sports and the performing arts. 

The Ad Astra Performing Arts programme offers opportunities to students who excel in music or drama and who wish to develop their performance talents while pursuing a degree in UCD.

Scholars benefit from a scholarship, mentoring, a range of tailored supports.

Prospective students must apply before January 31st of the year of entry. Full details, including how to apply, can be found at the Ad Astra website here.

UCD Choral Scholars

This is a scholarship-only ensemble of 18 singers which performs regularly in concert, at college events, on radio and television, tours and competes internationally on behalf of UCD and undertakes a high level of training activities with guest artists. UCD Choral Scholars have toured Holland, Luxembourg, the UK, Hungary and Italy. Bursaries are made to successful applicants.

Incoming UCD students may apply for audition and interview which are held in September of each year. For further information and application details see www.ucd.ie/choralscholars

UCD Symphony Orchestra Scholars

UCD Symphony Orchestra Scholarships are awarded to talented students in key positions within the UCD Symphony Orchestra. These scholars join other talented students in major performances in Ireland and in Europe. The orchestra's annual schedule regularly involves a concert at the National Concert Hall as well as events on campus, often featuring guest artists.  

Incoming or Current UCD students may apply for auditions, which are held in September of each year. For further information and application details, see www.ucd.ie/orchestra

UCD’s wide range of degree courses coupled with top class sporting facilities attract students with outstanding sporting ability. The university offers support to such students through two schemes - the UCD Ad Astra Elite Athlete programme and UCD Sports Scholarships. These scholarships enable students to achieve their full potential by helping them optimise their academic, training and competition commitments, and are open to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

UCD Ad Astra Elite Athletes

The Ad Astra Academy is an initiative designed to recognise and nurture exceptional students in academia, sports and the performing arts. 

The UCD Ad Astra Elite Athlete programme supports students who are competing and succeeding at the highest sporting levels. Ad Astra Elite Athletes regularly represent Ireland on the international stage including at the London 2012 Olympics.

Scholars benefit from a scholarship, mentoring, a range of tailored supports.

Prospective students must apply before January 31st of the year of entry. Full details, including how to apply, can be found at https://www.ucd.ie/adastraacademy/elitesports/ 

UCD Sports Scholars

The aim of the UCD Sports Scholarship programme is to give talented students the opportunity of developing their sporting career by offering the highest standards in coaching, training, nutrition, strength and conditioning advice, while they are studying for a degree in UCD.

Recipients have the potential to compete at the highest national level, and above, in a particular sport. The value of each scholarship is assessed on an individual basis and may be used to off-set costs such as accommodation, books, fees and travel to competitions etc.

Applications will open on the 1st February and further information is available from www.ucd.ie/sport/scholarships

Graduate Scholarships for Non-EU Fee-paying Students

UCD Global administers a wide range of scholarships opportunities available prospective graduate taught students on non-EU fee rates. This includes the Government of Ireland International Education Scholarship, (opens in a new window)Fulbright and (opens in a new window)George Mitchell Scholarships for US students at UCD, and the prestigious Global Excellence Scholarship. A full list of scholarships administered by UCD Global, including application instructions and eligibility criteria are available here.

If you currently hold a Global Scholarship, UCD Global answers your questions here.

Incoming Chinese PhD students may be able to avail of the China Scholarship Scheme.

The Gaeltacht UCD Irish Language Student Residence scheme aims to strengthen the use of the language on campus by providing students with the opportunity to live on campus in ‘Teach na Gaeilge’, while developing their individual talents through a range of social and cultural activities.

Scéim Chónaithe Ghaeilge Ghaeltacht UCD (Ionad Domhanda don Teanga & don Chultúr) / Irish Language Student Residence Scheme

Bunaíodh Scéim Chónaithe Ghaeltacht UCD chun neartú agus tógáil a dhéanamh ar úsáid na teanga ar champas. Taithí saoil faoi leith is ea mion-Ghaeltacht UCD.

Bíonn deis ag mic léinn de chuid réimsí éagsúla léinn maireachtáil agus obair le chéile as Gaeilge. Cuireann said faobhar ar a gcuid buanna faoi leith trí mheascán mórimeachtaí cultúrtha agus sóisialta. Tairiscíonn Gaeltacht UCD 24 scoláireacht do mhic léinn atá líofa sa Ghaeilge agus a dteastaíonn uathu í a chur ar aghaidh le tograí nua. Mairfidh an t-iarrthóir rathúil in ‘Teach na Gaeilge’ agus aischúiteofar céatadán den chostais chónaithe leis.

Cuirfear fáilte roimh iarratais ó mhic léinn na hollscoile ag a bhfuil tiomantas do chur chun cinn gníomhach na teanga léirithe san ollscoil. 

Gach eolas faoin Scéim Chónaithe le fáil ó: https://www.ucd.ie/bnag/ga/

The UCD Access Centre delivers a range of initiatives to facilitate widening participation in UCD, including outreach, admissions and student support. Through UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, students from a variety of backgrounds including mature students, school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds and those with a disability are encouraged to progress and succeed at UCD. 

Each year a number of scholarships are available to students who enter UCD through the Higher Education Access Route, Disability Access Route to Education or Mature Years admissions route. Application Forms and guidelines will be available in September each year.

Further information can be downloaded from the news section of the UCD Access website here, or contact the Access Centre at all@ucd.ie

Contact the Student Desk

Ground Floor, Tierney Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 1555 | Location Map(opens in a new window)
