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Engaging Men in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in UCD

More about the Engaging Men in EDI working group

The mission of this working group is to facilitate meaningful discussions and explore strategies to encourage and enhance male involvement in all aspects of EDI, benefiting everyone.  We aim to create a more balanced and inclusive environment where all voices are heard and valued.  

Engaging Men in UCD Consultation Event

On the 30th April, Opened by Professor Aoife Ahern, VP for EDI and hosted by Professor Cormac Taylor and Dr Ernesto Vasquez Del Aguila, co-chairs of UCD's EDI Working Group on EngagingMen in EDI

The consultation aimed to foster meaningful conversations and strategies to engage men more actively in EDI initiatives within UCD. The event saw a great turnout, with over 60 people in attendance, the majority of whom weremen. This strong participation highlights the recognition of the crucial rolemenplay in advancing and supporting EDI efforts which ultimately benefits everyone involved. 

What's next?

The next steps following the group's initial consultation involve analysing the feedback received and creating a roadmap for the working group's focus.

To stay informed about upcoming events, click here.

Other Activities: Sectoral Project “Engaging Men in Gender Equality”

As part of the HEA-funded project “Engaging Men in Gender Equality,” lead by UCD, IADT and MTU, consultations were held with five stakeholder groups across 13 HEIs (Executives, Heads of Academic Departments, Heads of Functions, Academic and Research Staff, and PMSS staff). The project aims to establish a tailored program for Irish HEIs to raise awareness among men of their role in achieving gender equality and to equip HEIs with the necessary tools to deepen men's engagement with gender equality specifically and with EDI more broadly. Outputs from these focus groups will also support the work and focus of the Engaging Men in EDI working group.
Please contact UCD's (opens in a new window)EDI unit with any additional questions or feedback.

Contact UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: edi@ucd.ie