International Women's Day
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Updated: 23 February 2024
International Women's Day 2024 #InspireInclusion
Marked annually on 8 March, International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The campaign theme for International Women's Day 2024 is Inspire Inclusion. When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment. Collectively, let's forge a more inclusive world for women.
Message from Prof Aoife Ahern, Vice President for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
I am delighted to see so many events taking place in UCD to mark IWD. This year, the campaign for IWD is "Inspire Inclusion" - something we have strived for in the University and where I hope we can support all colleagues in the careers they are pursuing here.
International Women’s Day Training and Support Bundle
EDI are delighted to offer two sessions tailored for women in academia and women in leadership and management to mark International Women's Day 2024 as well as a curated LinkedIn Learning Collection called "Inspire Inclusion - Women in Leadership and Supporting Women at Work". This collection features courses and videos on female empowerment, leadership, inclusion and supporting women in the workplace. Find out more on the EDI eLearning section of our website.
Update: Both sessions currently are full and you can join the waitlist.
Women and Leadership - Don’t Let Imposter Feelings Hold you Back
The call for women to step into positions of seniority and leadership is widespread. Many women are aware that unconscious bias is still subtly affecting their career progression and that feelings of not being good enough – what we often describe as Imposter Syndrome feelings – stop them volunteering or going for positions of leadership. If not addressed the Imposter Syndrome can cause individuals to experience significant stress, anxiety and fear. It can drive them to burn-out or inhibit them from achieving their full potential, prevent them from making valuable contributions to projects or meetings and deprive an organisation from seeing the very best that their staff can give.
The workshops will explore:
- What is Imposter Syndrome
- Who might experience imposter feelings and why
- Solutions - Ways to move forward:
- How to manage feelings around success and failure
- How to manage our Inner Critic
- Powerful female archetypes to give insight to leadership skills and presence.
Below you find a showcase of the events and initiatives that are happening across the campus in March.
UCD College of Business
Friday, March 8, 2024 at 10:30 am
UCD Smurfit School, D101
As part of our College of Business celebrations of International Women’s Day on Friday March 8th, we will be hosting a coffee morning and informal discussions on Patriarchy in the Business School, led by Professor Andy Prothero. Andy will open the session talking about the responses she has received to her essay in the Journal of Management Studies. (opens in a new window)Me, the Patriarchy, and the Business School - Prothero - Journal of Management Studies - Wiley Online Library
College of Arts and Humanities
Thursday 7th March, 4-6pm (via zoom)
Reading and Book Launch: Modelling Motherhood in Weimar Germany
UCD Global Lounge: Dr Katherine Calvert is launching her book on International Women's Day: 'Modeling Motherhood in Weimar Germany'. The event will include readings by students of letters sent to Frauenwelt magazine's advice column 'Wer weiss Rat?' between 1926 - 1933 and Prof Valerie Heffernan will join the launch. Refreshments will be provided.
In person: 4 – 6.30pm, UCD Global Lounge. Refreshments will be served.
Online: 4.15-6pm, (opens in a new window)
Monday, 4 March at 3:00pm
Seminar: “Occupy me, take place in me:” Desiring Encounters with Polish Lesbian Archives with Dr Aleksandra Gajowy (UCD School of Art History & Cultural Policy), Rosemarie Mulcahy Location: Seminar Room (J004), Newman Building
Wednesday 6 March 2024 at 4.15pm
Seminar: St Brigit and the beginnings of Irish history, K114 Newman Panel discussion with Prof. Elva Johnston (UCD), Dr Megan Welton (UCD), Dr Niamh Wycherley (Maynooth) and Dr Elizabeth Dawson (Carlow College)
Location: K114 Newman Building
Geary Institute
Tuesday, 5 March 2024, 1 – 2pm
Dr Diogo Geraldes of UCD School of Economics will present a talk entitled: "Closing the Gender Gap in Multilateral Negotiations Through Institutional Design". All welcome.
Location: B003/004, Geary Institute
UCD College of Science
Friday, 8 March 2024, 12 – 2pm
Location: Zone 9, top floor, O'Brien Centre for Science - East
A celebration event with cake, refreshments and mentoring awards to mark International Women's Day.
International Women's Day is a global day of celebration that takes place every year on 8th March to recognise the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. On March 8th we invite UCD community members to join us for an event to celebrate the achievements of women in the college, with cake and refreshments. The event will also launch our UCD College of Science Women in Science Mentoring Awards recognizes mentors whose efforts have encouraged and supported women and/or girls, or other people who are currently underrepresented in the UCD College of Science. If you have experienced or observed excellence in the mentoring you can nominate someone via our online (opens in a new window)google form.