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LGBTQI+ History Month 2022

LGBTQI+ History Month 2022

LGBTQI+ History Month 22

LGBTQI+ History Month: Honouring the Past and Building Intergenerational Solidarity

On Friday 25th March, University College Dublin’s LGBTI Subgroup celebrated LGBTQI+ History Month by hosting an online webinar, titled ‘Intergenerational Friendships & Conversations Amongst LGBTQI+ Generations.’ 

The event, attended by over 30 people, not only commemorated LGBTQI+ History Month but also provided a platform for intergenerational engagement and solidarity with the continued promotion of inclusivity and acceptance. 

The conversations took us on a journey through the lived experiences of four amazing members of the LGBTQI+ community from different ages and backgrounds. The guest speakers, all activists, included Professor Emerita Geraldine Moane, a former Professor of Psychology at UCD; Enda McGrattan, better known as drag queen Veda; Luis Noguera Benitez, journalist and actor from Venezuela; and Matt Kennedy, a doctoral candidate working for BeLonG To. 

In a world where we find difference and indifference, it was truly inspiring and insightful to see how different generations came together to share experiences and commit to continue open conversations on issues affecting the LGBTQI+ community. 

Geraldine recalled how being out, visible and joining associations or clubs was an important and significant part of her journey and who she has become today. 

Matt, the youngest of the speakers, described how meeting other trans people and academic mentors have been vital for him. 

Veda talked about their first visit to a drag show, travelling around Ireland doing drag shows, marriage equality laws being passed in Ireland, and how their HIV activism and the promotion of U=U have been decisive moments for their life journey. 

Luis recounted how his arrival to Ireland from Venezuela and being part of the PozVibes podcast have been crucial for him, allowing him to be free and experiment with his sexuality and gender expression. 

The UCD LGBTI Subgroup hopes that this event will be the start of multiple conversations. So, on that journey together, let us draw from the inspirational words of our speakers…

“Everything Will Be Fine! Be Bold! Transition! And Live!”

If you couldn't join us on the day, you can view the recorded webinar below. We have also prepared and attached a short booklet which gives an overview of some of the most important moments of the history of the LGBTQI+ community in Ireland.

Contact UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: edi@ucd.ie