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UCD Centre for Economic Research 2014 Papers

WP14/01 Matthew T Cole and Ronald B Davies: 'Foreign Bidders Going Once, Going Twice... Protection in Government Procurement Auctions' February 2014 
WP14/02 Eibhlin Hudson, David Madden and Irene Mosca: 'A Formal Investigation of Inequalities in Health Behaviours after age 50 on the Island of Ireland' February 2014
WP14/03 Cormac Ó Gráda: 'Fame e Capitale Umano in Inghilterra prima della Rivoluzione Industriale (Hunger and Human Capital in England before the Industrial Revolution)' February 2014 
WP14/04 Martin D O’Brien and Karl Whelan: 'Changes in Bank Leverage: Evidence from US Bank Holding Companies' March 2014
WP14/05 Sandra E Black, Paul J Devereux and Kjell G Salvanes: 'Does Grief Transfer across Generations? - In-Utero Deaths and Child Outcomes' March 2014 
WP14/06 Morgan Kelly and Cormac Ó Gráda: 'Debating the Little Ice Age' March 2014 
WP14/07 Alan Fernihough, Cormac Ó Gráda and Brendan M Walsh: 'Mixed Marriages in Ireland A Century Ago' March 2014 
WP14/08 Doireann Fitzgerald and Stefanie Haller: 'Exporters and Shocks: Dissecting the International Elasticity Puzzle' April 2014
WP14/09 David Candon: 'The Effects of Cancer in the English Labour Market' May 2014 
WP14/10 Cormac Ó Gráda and Morgan Kelly: 'Speed under Sail, 1750–1850' May 2014 
WP14/11 Johannes Becker and Ronald B Davies: 'A Negotiation-Based Model of Tax-Induced Transfer Pricing' July 2014 
WP14/12 Vincent Hogan, Patrick Massey and Shane Massey: 'Analysing Match Attendance in the European Rugby Cup' September 2014 
WP14/13 Vincent Hogan, Patrick Massey and Shane Massey: 'Competitive Balance: Results of Two Natural Experiments from Rugby Union' September 2014 
WP14/14 Cormac Ó Gráda: 'Did Science Cause the Industrial Revolution?' October 2014 
WP14/15 Michael Daly, Liam Delaney, Orla Doyle, Nick Fitzpatrick and Christine O’Farrelly: 'Can Early Intervention Policies Improve Well-being? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial' October 2014 
WP14/16 Thérèse McDonnell and Orla Doyle: 'Maternal Employment, Childcare and Childhood Overweight during Infancy' October 2014 
WP14/17 Sarah Parlane and Ying-Yi Tsai: 'Optimal Sourcing Orders under Supply Disruptions and the Strategic Use of Buffer Suppliers' October 2014 
WP14/18 Morgan Kelly and Cormac Ó Gráda: 'Ready for Revolution? The English Economy before 1800' November 2014 
WP14/19 Johannes Becker, Ronald B Davies and Gitte Jakobs: 'The Economics of Advance Pricing Agreements' November 2014 
WP14/20 David Madden: 'Bridging the Gaps: Inequalities in Childrens' Educational Outcomes in Ireland ' November 2014 
WP14/21 Ronald B Davies, Julien Martin, Mathieu Parenti and Farid Toubal: 'Knocking on Tax Haven’s Door: Multinational Firms and Transfer Pricing' December 2014 


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