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UCD Centre for Economic Research 2015 Papers

WP15/01 Ronald B Davies, Benjamin H Liebman and Kasaundra Tomlin: 'I’ve Been Everywhere (Except Mexico): Investor Responses to NAFTA’s Cross-Border Trucking Provisions' January 2015
WP15/02 David Madden and Michael Savage: 'Which Households Matter Most? Capturing Equity Considerations in Tax Reform via Generalised Social Marginal Welfare Weights' February 2015
WP15/03 Ronald B Davies, Rodolphe Desbordes and Anna Ray: 'Greenfield versus Merger & Acquisition FDI: Same Wine, Different Bottles?' February 2015
WP15/04 David Candon: 'Are Cancer Survivors who are Eligible for Social Security More Likely to Retire than Healthy Workers? Evidence from Difference-in-Differences' February 2015
WP15/05 Morgan Kelly and Cormac Ó Gráda: 'Adam Smith, Watch Prices, and the Industrial Revolution' March 2015
WP15/06 Kevin Denny: 'Has Subjective General Health Declined with the Economic Crisis? A Comparison across European Countries' March 2015
WP15/07 David Candon: 'The Effect of Cancer on the Employment of Older Males: Attenuating Selection Bias using a High Risk Sample' March 2015
WP15/08 Kieran McQuinn and Karl Whelan: 'Europe's Long-Term Growth Prospects: With and Without Structural Reforms' March 2015
WP15/09 Sandra E Black, Paul J Devereux, Petter Lundborg and Kaveh Majlesi: 'Learning to Take Risks? The Effect of Education on Risk-Taking in Financial Markets' April 2015
WP15/10 Morgan Kelly and Cormac Ó Gráda: 'Why Ireland Starved after Three Decades: The Great Famine in Cross-Section Reconsidered' April 2015
WP15/11 Orla Doyle, Nick Fitzpatrick, Judy Lovett and Caroline Rawdon: 'Early intervention and child health: Evidence from a Dublin-based randomized controlled trial' April 2015
WP15/12 Ragnhild Balsvik and Stefanie A Haller: 'Ownership Change and its Implications for the Match between the Plant and its Workers' May 2015
WP15/13 Cormac Ó Gráda: 'Famine in Ireland, 1300-1900' May 2015
WP15/14  Cormac Ó Gráda: '‘Cast back into the Dark Ages of Medicine’? The Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance' May 2015
WP15/15 Sandra E Black, Paul J Devereux and Kjell G Salvanes: "Healthy(?), Wealthy, and Wise - Birth Order and Adult Health" July 2015
WP15/16 Sandra E Black, Paul J Devereux, Petter Lundborg and Kaveh Majlesi: "Poor Little Rich Kids? - The Determinants of the Intergenerational Transmission of Wealth" July 2015 
WP15/17  Sandra E Black, Paul J Devereux, Petter Lundborg and Kaveh Majlesi: "On The Origins of Risk-Taking" July 2015 
WP15/18  Vincent Hogan and Patrick Massey: 'Teams’ Reponses to Changed Incentives: Evidence from Rugby’s Six Nations Championship' September 2015 
WP15/19  Johannes Becker and Ronald B Davies: 'Learning to Tax - Interjurisdictional Tax Competition under Incomplete Information' October 2015 
WP15/20  Anne Haubo Dyhrberg: 'Bitcoin, Gold and the Dollar – a GARCH Volatility Analysis' October 2015 
WP15/21 Anne Haubo Dyhrberg: 'Hedging Capabilities of Bitcoin. Is it the virtual gold?' October 2015 
WP15/22 Marie Hyland and Stefanie Haller: 'Firm-level Estimates of Fuel Substitution: an Application to Carbon Pricing' October 2015
WP15/23 Roberta Cardani, Alessia Paccagnini and Stefania Villa: 'Forecasting with Instabilities: an Application to DSGE Models with Financial Frictions' October 2015 
WP15/24  Morgan Kelly, Joel Mokyr and Cormac Ó Gráda: 'Roots of the Industrial Revolution' October 2015
WP15/25  Ronald B Davies and Arman Mazhikeyev: 'The Glass Border: Gender and Exporting in Developing Countries' November 2015 
WP15/26 Ronald B Davies and Neill Killeen: 'Location Decisions of Non-Bank Financial Foreign Direct Investment: Firm-Level Evidence from Europe' November 2015 
WP15/27  Johannes Becker and Ronald B Davies: 'Negotiated Transfer Prices' November 2015 
WP15/28  Ronald B Davies and Arman Mazhikeyev: 'The Impact of Special Economic Zones on Exporting Behavior' November 2015 
WP15/29  Cormac Ó Gráda: 'On Plague in a Time of Ebola' November 2015 
WP15/30  Kevin Denny: 'Are the Effects of Height on Well-being a Tall Tale?' December 2015 
WP15/31 David Madden: 'Do Schooling Reforms Also Improve Long-Run Health?' December 2015

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