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Welcome to CS News, the new UCD CS magazine

Welcome to CS News, the new UCD CS magazine

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We are delighted to present the first issue of our new UCD School of Computer Science magazine, CS News.  The magazine brings the latest news from around the School to our students, alumni, collaborators, staff, friends, and the worldwide computer science community.

In our lead article, Professor Gregory O’Hare describes the COMBAT project. COMBAT is developing novel software to assist in the understanding and management of the spread of infectious diseases, including COVID, in Ireland. Next, Professor Barry Smyth explains his work on analysing and visualising COVID-19 data. 

The School's latest European projects are introduced, including work on personalised medicine, life sciences data, law enforcement, and analysis of the British Library’s book collection. Highlights of national funding include development of the latest artificial intelligence techniques for sustainability and health applications.

The magazine catches up with School researchers who are in the news, alumni working in industry, and students on internships. We have a spotlight piece on Professor Eleni Mangina who is using augmented and virtual reality in education.  We find out about CeADAR, the School’s research centre for applied AI and data analytics. Also covered is our work on bringing computer science to the Leaving Certificate, commencement of new educational programmes in UCD, and establishment of our Centres for Research Training. We wrap up the magazine with the latest community news, including the latest books authored by UCD CS staff.

To make sure you receive future issues of the magazine, please (opens in a new window)sign up for our email list. 

Now, kick back, read on and enjoy!

Assoc. Prof. Chris Bleakley, Head of School


UCD School of Computer Science

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland, D04 V1W8.
T: +353 1 716 2483 | E: computerscience@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)