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Forthcoming publications 2021 (in press)

Forthcoming Publications 2021 (in press) 

Posted 30 March 2021 

Read below for a list of 2021 publications (in press), including edited volumes, critical editions, chapters
and articles relating to Thresholds of Knowledge

Edited volumes / special issues:

(opens in a new window)Derval Conroy
Guest editor, Women Philosophers in Early Modern France, special issue
Early Modern French Studies, June 2021

(opens in a new window)Katherine Fama and (opens in a new window)Jorie Lagerwey eds.
Single Lives: Independent Women in Literature and Pop Culture. New Brunswick,
NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2022.

Critical editions:

(opens in a new window)Francesco Lucioli, I. Sadoleto, Opere,
vol. I: Dialoghi umanistici e Opere poetiche, resp. scient. F. Lucioli (Turin: Aragno, 2021)


(opens in a new window)Derval Conroy
‘Society and sociability in Gabrielle Suchon: Towards a Politics of Friendship’,
Women Philosophers in Early Modern France, special issue Early Modern French Studies, June 2021

(opens in a new window)Síofra Pierse
‘Les Remarques historiques et critiques d’Aubry de la Motraye’ in
Revue Voltaire 21 (July 2021)

Book chapters:

(opens in a new window)Jorie Lagerwey and (opens in a new window)Taylor Nygaard. 2021. “UnReal, #MeToo, and the Very Special Season.”
Very Special Episodes: Televising Industrial and Social Change.
Jonathan Cohn and Jennifer Porst, eds. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

(opens in a new window)Porscha Fermanis, ‘Networks, Nodes, and Beacons: Cultural Institutions
in Nineteenth-Century Southeast Asia’, Institutions of Literature: Organising Culture, 1700-1900,
eds. Jon Mee and Matthew Sangster (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021/22)

(opens in a new window)Giacomo Savani, ‘Sensing the Past: Sensory Stimuli in Nineteenth-Century Depictions of Roman Baths’, in A. Grand-Clément and C. Ribeyrol, eds, The Smells and Senses of Antiquity in the Modern Imagination. The Fragrant and the Foul (London: Bloomsbury)

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