Research, Innovation and Impact
Our research explores pressing global issues from a wide variety of perspectives

Research Strategy
Welcome to the UCD College of Arts and Humanities Research Strategy for 2020-2024, an approach that brings together and supports the combined research excellence from across the College’s Schools, Institutes, Centres and subject disciplines. The strategy provides a coherent and enabling framework for the development of interdisciplinary expertise and represents a refreshed approach to partnership collaboration and public engagement in a national and global context.

Research Advisory Network
The Research Advisory Network (RAN) is a network of experts who are available to give advice across key identified research areas. The RAN aims to enhance our research profile and foster a deeper interdisciplinary culture.

Research Institutes & Centres
The UCD College of Arts and Humanities has a close working relationship with a diverse range of dynamic UCD Institutes and Centres:
- (opens in a new window)UCD Clinton Institute for American Studies
- UCD Humanities Institute
- UCD Mícheál Ó Cléirigh Institute
- UCD Centre for Australian Studies
- UCD Centre for Canadian Studies
- UCD Centre for the History of the Media
- UCD Centre for the Study of Gender, Culture and Identities
- UCD Centre for War Studies
- UCD Lárionad de Bhaldraithe do Léann na Gaeilge / Centre for Irish Language Studies
- UCD Centre for the History of the Medicine in Ireland
- (opens in a new window)UCD Centre for Gender, Feminisms & Sexualities
- UCD James Joyce Research Centre
- UCD Craig Dobbin Chair of Canadian Studies

Research News
Keep right up to date on UCD Arts and Humanities research, innovation and impact news and events.